Tag Archives: Women

Living Life in Abundance


For the last two weeks, I have been plagued with illnesses in my home. It started with one child having a cold, which then transferred to the other child. After that, the older one had an allergic reaction, to what, I have no idea.

Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way complaining, because I know that these illnesses cannot be compared to what some other parents have to endure. While it was overwhelming for me because it was one after the other, it was still not as severe as what some families encounter.

So today, I am pausing to say, “thank you God, for your grace, for your mercies, and for your blessings. I know you know what I can handle and so I know that through it all, you have my back.” It is that simple for me.

I read today in my devotions about keeping life about one thing because in doing so it makes your life much simpler and I smiled because I understood the truth in that. Complications are distracting and they detract from the abundance of life. It is also possible to add that more often than not, when we are leading a complicated life, we are involving something that is not of God. Stop and do a quick check and see…

We must be ‘about our Father’s business.’ This is a profound statement to me because it provides the realization that whatever you are involved in represents who your ‘father’ is. So in this crazy upside down world, where being busy has become so overrated, I have chosen to slow down and be about the things of my father. My father’s business requires me to live the way He wants me to live, to give until there is no more to give, to love until there is just no more love because I can never, never out-love the Lord.

Have a blessed day, today.

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Posted by on October 14, 2012 in My family and I


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A Conversation with Your Heart

I need your love, can’t you see?

I need to be loved by you completely.

Your love means you will be there for me.

Your love means that there will be liberty.

I am not here for a minute or two.

I am here to spend my entire life with you.

Love me baby like there’s no other,

Love me only and make it better.

You need my love too, I know,

You need to embrace my soul.

My love is yours never fear

My love is here, it has not,and  will never fade.

I need you to love me baby,

I need you to let your heart show me.

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Posted by on July 31, 2012 in Poetry


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I have Found My Superman

I have Found My Superman

                                                                                              by Cadine Brown

Imbued with god-fearing attributes,

The sole survivor and front-runner enters…

His presence is known and can be felt by those around.

He shines his light into the darkest of place,

Dispelling every ‘dis-grace’.

His strength is known but not feared.

He champions my cause when noone else cares,

Telling me, “girl, get up and finish this race.”

His calm engulfs me, pronouncing safety.

He is my ‘whole armour’, my perfect and complete fit,

Protecting me from insecurities thrown to sink my ship.


His love, oh his love

Found me, embraced me, and saved me…

Yes, I have found my superman, in God’s saving grace.

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Posted by on July 22, 2012 in Poetry, Uncategorized


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Breaking Free From Nothingness

…around the dining table staring at the wall, wondering what next? Meanwhile, in the distance, Nick Jr. is on and Ishmael is happily singing and dancing to a rhyming song and Zawadi is somewhere reading. My thoughts penetrate the wall through to the other side and now I am standing outside in the cold all alone and feeling lost. This feeling envelops me and I begin to wonder where everyone went. Then a strong force of wind blew right by me and I disappeared…

On Dr. Drew’s LifeChangers program a young lady who has been married for 16 years proposed a one year separation from her husband in order for her to find herself but everyone seemingly think that this quest is 16 years too late and that she should not embark upon it. Accordingly, today I will opine on women and marriage, the surest way to lose self-identity.

Although I have not been married for 16 years, I can surely attest to the fact that there are times when I need a moment for me, just so I can remind me of me. While I get this desire, I rarely act upon it and will go on and on for months, even years before I stop and assure myself of me. This is not planned, and it is definitely not the best thing to do but with all that is included in our daily roles, it is almost an impossible feat to secure that time and space to be alone and love me.

On Feb 6. I added,

So here is what I suggest:

My week of new-found peace

I got up at least one hour earlier than everyone at home (5:00am) and set a bath or watch one of my recorded shows (since I cannot get to watch them at the regular times). This allowed me to relax and unwind, getting rid of any left over stress from the day before, allowing me to face the new day with open arms. On Wednesday, after everyone was gone to bed, and after I was through with studying, I jumped in the couch and listened to some of my favorite songs, ignoring everything else that was there waiting on me. Finally, throughout each day, I stole 15 minutes to encourage myself, reminding me of just how awesome I was and the superb job I was doing with my children, husband, and me.

Try it, it might give you that release you are seeking, it certainly has rejuvenated me and I think I am ready to go for another year or two…or… I just might make this an ongoing thing.

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Posted by on February 6, 2012 in Opinions, Uncategorized


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Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai sunk deep into my soul last night and it added to my call for action. Later, Daughters, Left Behind, reminded me why it is our responsibility to stand up and live an unselfish life, especially when we have children. I strongly believe that we, as women, mothers, wives, are responsible for the tomorrows of our children and that is the ultimate reason for us to stop allowing our lives to pass us by.

While I advocate being at home to care for and nurture all young children, I refuse to accept that this limits our offerings to the world at large. We are women, and in my book, that means we are multi-taskers, well put it this way, the world requires us to be able to do more than one thing at a time. Isn’t that why we have the kids, while caring for the husband, while going to school, and working full-time?

Recently, I have been bemoaning the fact that I have so many ideas in my dream book but they have been left there to die because of daily life as one pursuing a Masters and BAR, a homeschooling mom of two young lads, and a doting wife of a sailor. How dare I? Does that mean I am not to give of myself to my community, my country (whichever one I choose), my world? I have realized that I have succumb to the “I” business and have buried a few of my ideals.

Leaving a positive mark in our communities, countries… world, is an important purpose for women to attend to becuase of our design. We are able to lead with compassion and understanding. We are equipped with listening skills that by far outmatch our men. We are endowed with poise and grace. Our feminity is a gift not a curse, and above all else, women are blessed with the ability to “see down the road and around the corner.”

Why then are we standing idly by when our planet is being polluted? Why are we not banding against political corruption in our backyard? Why are women taking the roads of infamous criminals, leaving their young to follow that pattern? Is this what we want for our children? Is this the life we plan on leaving them?

C’mon!! We are WOMEN made for a much bigger, much better purpose. Wake up now, no more sleeping in…bed, or our heads, whichever!!

Women, this is your WAR CRY!

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Posted by on January 6, 2012 in Opinions, Uncategorized


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I am a Powerful and Influential Woman of October

I am greatly anticipating the movie “Iron Women.” I have been in-love with the power of Margaret Thatcher from ever since and it is this admiration that has always inspired my desire to be more than ordinary in every aspect of my life.

Recently, I was asked in one of my classes to identify my role models and explain why they were given such a powerful place. While the assignment led to some deep soul searching, I realized that all of my role models were change-makers. The list includes: Abigail (in the bible), Nanny of the Maroons, Margaret Thatcher, Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Alexander Bustamante.

This has given me a new lease on my life. I am not letting go of my desires nor will I let them be watered down or neglected anymore. Afterall, I was not placed here to blend in, but to STAND OUT.

Another interesting fact that I was made to realize is that three of my female role models, the birthdates of the other two are not known, were born in the month of October, an important factor that has now empowered me with undaunting confidence. To me, this is my call to walk into my destiny, knowing that greatness is on the horizon and all I need to do is reach out and take it. NOTHING TO IT!!!

With this new lease on my purpose in life, I turned my search for confirmation to my heavenly father, knowing that without his stamp of approval, all of my desires are worth nothing. So a few days ago, after a prayerful hour in my shower, I was led to read Deuteronomy 9, and after reading, I realized two things. First, God was willing to take me into my promised land, and second, it was not because of anything I could have done. This realization became humbling, and mind blowing. I also came to understand that the only thing that has been in my way was fear, and rightfully so, because I am called to enter into areas that are bigger than me. But guess what, with God I can meet these giants and conguer them. In reading the commentary for this passage, I came away with this overwhelming thought, “it is necessary for me to understand that the challenges ahead are impossible on my own, but I am guaranteed victory and success once I approach in honor and awe of God.”

So not knowing what tomorrow holds, I have started my today with making my goals for this year.

1. Get admitted to WA Bar: I did not sit the July exam due to a death in my family and so I am planning on taking the February one.

2. Expand my articles: I am currently writing a five part series on Estate Planning for the Washington Word. I would like to also write about issues with Immigration and Elder law in other established journals before starting my own.

3. Hold seminars/conferences: This is a new area for me, so need more research.

4.  Start my law firm by July 2012 in both NY & WA: A dream I have been fostering from age six. My law practice will focus on making positive changes in the lives of those I am blessed to enter. My dream has always been to empower and defend the masses in order to create some sense of social justice in our world.

So here I go!!! If you have any questions, comments, or pertinent information that may help please feel free to add it below.

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Posted by on January 2, 2012 in Law and I, Uncategorized


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Delayed But Certainly Not Denied!

Delayed But Certainly Not Denied!

The beginning of forever

Where do I begin? The bible says that a man who finds a wife finds a good thing but I have been wondering what about a woman who finds a husband…

It is our dream as females to find that man who will love us either as our daddy did or as the fairy tale books have portrayed it and we set out seeking that love at all cost. Through the journey, we get hurt, some get damaged and distracted while others press on with the determination that their love is out there awaiting them and in the end, they are the ones who will find that man, the man who will cause their toes to curl and their feet to pop.

Travelling over two continents and back, my journey took me on a world-wind tour that brought me to this place. My journey, not being the story here but deserving of a brief note, was tumultuous yet rewarding. I was able to emerge as a strong, centered, and God-fearing woman and for this I am grateful.

Arriving at this place took tears, fights ( not physical, well a little), guts, determination, counselling, love, but most of all, God!

The day we met, I thought, yeah right, your just like all of them…but on October 30, 2008 when you proposed to me, you proved to me that I was wrong.

Then you took it up a notch, became a father to our lovely son Zee, married me, took on the role of breadwinner and man in charge. You dazzled me with your love and showed me what it means to have a priest in the home.

With the birth of Ishmael, you grew into a man of valor and quickly outmatched all the male role models I held on to. You became a force to reckon with and I realized that being by your side was the best place to be.

Oliver Michael Brown, to you, I give my all and on this our second anniversary, I am speechless and so, I will let these guys (the professionals) try to express how I feel…

1. You really had my heart from hello but everything else had to catch up with it,

2. Looking back over our life together and eagerly awaiting the future,

3. Even when you have nothing to say, I am at peace, knowing that you love me because

4. Baby, throughout our life together you have become

5. Finally, I really just want to say


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Posted by on May 30, 2011 in My family and I, Uncategorized


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Let’s do this all over again!

Refreshed! Now Lets go!

Wow, where did the time go? It has been about 7 days since I last published a post and though that might seem short to you, it feels like ages to me because my goal starting out was to publish at least 4 posts per week.

So what happened, you might ask? Well I am not sure of where to start but I will start by pointing the finger at Ishmael since he cannot talk. Yes, let me go ahead and blame him, after all he has been my distraction for the last 10months and beyond…

I could go on pointing the finger but that will not help, so I will settle with this one instead. I have not posted in awhile because I have been bogged down with too much to write. Yes, that is it. I have way too much to say and not enough time to sit and write.

I started to comment about the protest in Egypt but then I got distracted by the Rape Charges of a Minister in NY. I really wanted to draft a post about Sensationalism and how it destroys but then I got caught up with Technology and Dating- the new girls and boys.

Then there were other personal happenings, that would put smiles and smirks on the faces of my readers, but I just never found the time to put these thoughts on paper.

I must take time out to apologize to my daily readers, thanks for checking in though, it has been your constant contact that has held me and accountable…

And today, I am breaking free. I am writing blindly and saving me, saving me from these wild excuses that has prevented me from seeing, seeing that through blogging I have gained confidence, confidence in me.


So with this new level of confidence I am rearing to go, so watch out my friends, family and… yeah you too!!! (smile)

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Posted by on February 3, 2011 in Poetry, Uncategorized


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How do we do this?

Rising at 5:00am to the cries of Ishmael, I slowly drag my limp body from my husband’s warmth, knowing that this was it, the start of my day.

Today my to-do list is overflowing with researching business ideas, completing online masters program orientation, completing fafsa, reviewing 2011 tax changes, house chores, husband’s lunch, then dinner and above all else, tending to Ishmael. The crazy part of this to-do list is the fact that I am better at getting things done when Ishmael is sleeping.

Not so crazy, right? Well just wait a minute, here comes the missing piece of information; Ishmael has recently decided that he will only take a nap at 11:30am to 1:00pm throughout the entire day, and to add to that, my loving husband who cannot have enough of my meals, consistently comes home for lunch at 11:30 to 12:30 each day. So the only time period that I have to accomplish these task, seemingly is between 12:30pm and 1:30pm, now you tell me, how do we do this?

My afternoons are no better because Zee, my eldest son gets home at 3:30pm and now my to-do list has ‘help with homework’ added. Between 3:30pm and 5:30pm I am focused on Zee, his homework and ‘homeschool’ review. Thereafter it is time for dinner and family time, which lasts for about an hour.

You would think that I am now done with taking care of the two lovely boys that God has blessed me with but no, I have bath time, story-time and prayer time coming up and all this takes us to 8:00pm when it is off to bed Zee goes. Ish on the other hand believes that if mommy and daddy are staying up then he too should accompany us until we call it quits. This is normally around 11:00pm.

To the untrained eye, it would appear that my to-do list is untouched and incomplete and many atimes I feel as if that will be the result at the end of the day. But for us mothers and wives out there, our natural instincts and daily experiences have taught us how to maneuver our tasks throughout the day. Even with distractions all around we creatively complete each task knowing that tomorrow has a new list waiting to be found.

We were not trained for this and we oftentimes get frustrated along the way. However we will cook our meals while our babies are safely having fun with our plastic-ware on the kitchen floor,

and work with our computers, telephones and other technologically required gadgets while playing peek-a-boo, I see you.

It is no wonder that my husband oftentimes comment at the state of my office when he enters therein but I am content, knowing that, that area is not just where I work but where my little one plays.

I now understands why Ishmael acts as if he knows exactly how to use the computer keyboard, my blackberry and the printer and why he wipes the imaginary mess from off the kitchen floor. I know why he babbles vehemently with the phone by his ear and why he jumps with glee when he realizes that I am praising his attempt of counting and saying his ABCs.

Each day I look at my to-do list and smile, knowing that it, at the outset seems impossible but with my motherly instincts, I will accomplish, if not all then most of the items within. But most importantly,I smile because I have realized that my to-do list no longer rules me and I am happy.

I cannot begin to explain how we do this but I am glad that I do. How about you?


Posted by on January 27, 2011 in My family and I


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