Tag Archives: love

Living Life in Abundance


For the last two weeks, I have been plagued with illnesses in my home. It started with one child having a cold, which then transferred to the other child. After that, the older one had an allergic reaction, to what, I have no idea.

Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way complaining, because I know that these illnesses cannot be compared to what some other parents have to endure. While it was overwhelming for me because it was one after the other, it was still not as severe as what some families encounter.

So today, I am pausing to say, “thank you God, for your grace, for your mercies, and for your blessings. I know you know what I can handle and so I know that through it all, you have my back.” It is that simple for me.

I read today in my devotions about keeping life about one thing because in doing so it makes your life much simpler and I smiled because I understood the truth in that. Complications are distracting and they detract from the abundance of life. It is also possible to add that more often than not, when we are leading a complicated life, we are involving something that is not of God. Stop and do a quick check and see…

We must be ‘about our Father’s business.’ This is a profound statement to me because it provides the realization that whatever you are involved in represents who your ‘father’ is. So in this crazy upside down world, where being busy has become so overrated, I have chosen to slow down and be about the things of my father. My father’s business requires me to live the way He wants me to live, to give until there is no more to give, to love until there is just no more love because I can never, never out-love the Lord.

Have a blessed day, today.

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Posted by on October 14, 2012 in My family and I


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Simplifying Me

I took a break from my challenge because life became overwhelming; being all that you can be is not an easy task. However, I am back to my challenge and this week, I will attempt to write a post each day. The challenge within the challenge is to write my thoughts as they come within a ten minutes time frame. The activity will help me to recognize the things that are occupying my brain space so that I can focus on the topic of ‘my book’ and in essence, I will understand me a little more.

So here goes:

Today, I woke up wanting more sleep. I got to bed at 2:19am and my alarm went off at 5:15am. I was completely annoyed. I did not get up though, I rolled over and laid in bed for another 2 hrs. While lying in bed I thought about my writing, realizing that my confidence has grown through posting and publishing some articles, so now I should move on to the next level of focusing on either completing one of my three unfinished books or beginning a new one.

My mind then took me to a mental check of what my day will be like, and while it is overflowing with things I need to get done, I made the promise to myself that I will stop and breathe at least once today.

In the middle of that thought Zee knocked on my door and I knew my ‘me time’ was over, I now had to face today, but before I do, I stopped and prayed. Of late my prayers have been random and this morning was no different. I found myself praying for the very small things; being appreciative of love, my family and friends, and even the opportunity to be living in this beautiful place call Whidbey Island.

I also took the opportunity to write a love note to hubby to remind him of how much I love him. Seriously, deployment is no joke, and anyone who decides to join the military needs to be aware of how difficult it can be to cope with such long absences. I am certain that we are able to endure this, our first of many, because of our faith in God. It certainly has given us the strength to overcome and shed light on the many lies and attempts that the enemy uses to distract and destroy couples. It is because of my faith in God, I can keep on loving and trusting this man even though he is half way around the world. As a matter of fact, my love for him has multiplied immensely, and the most wonderful thing is that his expressions of love have also intensified. Only God, I say!

There is no deep rooted message from me today and I think that’s okay because one of the things I have realized is that once in awhile I need to uncomplicated my day and simply take things slow. Life is already in the way, so for today, I will just go with the flow.

Tendai Mwari


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Posted by on October 1, 2012 in My family and I, Opinions


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Loving Selfishly


There is way too much happening today and so I am not able to sit and muse…it is already 9am and I have been up since 5:30am and I am not half way through my to dos for today. So I am choosing to post a poem of mine that was written a few years ago. Here goes:

It hurts knowing that you have loved like this before
Knowing that this feeling is being felt once more.
This feeling indescribable, undeniable, unexplainable.

It hurts knowing that this road has been travelled by you and another
Knowing that you have loved her like none other.
This love, indescribable, undeniable, unexplainable.

It hurts knowing that you were mesmerized to write…
Knowing that your heart was smitten at first sight.
This feeling, indescribable, undeniable, unexplainable.

It hurts, yes it hurts…
But I have a little smile hidden
Because I have you now,
Your love indescribable, undeniable, unexplainable.

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Posted by on September 15, 2012 in Poetry


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The Little Joys of a Not So Perfect Life


This morning, I want to sit back, relax and give God thanks for all He has done for me. I am so not worthy for His many blessings and His mercies. So today I will share with you a little list of my everyday joys. They are not prioritize because they are all number one in my book.

1) Listening to Ishmael sing the songs on Praise 106.5

1) Watching the boys experiencing new things

1) Watching Zee at Taekwondo and swimming

1) Communicating with my husband while he is deployed

1) Communicating with my friends and family, especially my sisters (those who are blood related and those from another mother). Also, a special mention of conversations with my mom, I look forward to hearing from her.

1) Learning from older, more seasoned married couples

1) Sharing lessons learned

1) Receiving compliments from the men in my life (Ish, Zee, and OMB)

1) Watching Ish taking pictures of everything

1) Listening to my boys pray (Ish says half of the Our Father’s Prayer then makes up the rest, and Zee prays about everything)

1) Teaching anyone

1) Reading

1) Aha moments

1) Watching the boys play…and fight (Ish thinks he is the boss and always picks a fight with Zee)

Now thats’s my list, what’s yours?


Posted by on September 14, 2012 in My family and I


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Hey Navy, May I Get Him Back Now?

It has been awhile, a very long time, since I last saw my husband and this morning I woke up missing him like crazy. The day he left for his deployment was bitter-sweet but right now his absence is just bitter. Waking up, yet another morning, without him is not welcoming. Let us not even mention the loneliness I feel at nights…

Today I woke up wondering what it will be like once he gets home. Will the boys respond to him in their natural manner or will they pull away? Will I be able to understand him now? Will he still be able to meet my needs? Will his smile be the same, permanently pasted in the corners of his mouth? Will he fit into the roll of things or will we have to start all over again? My head aches with all these questions and this makes me miss him even more…

Before he left we were in a good place. We were finally understanding the little things about each other and were having fun being together. He was enjoying spending time with the boys; eagerly awaiting the weekends so that he and Zee could leave early in the mornings for their fishing trips, or excitedly getting ready to teach Ishmael about racing cars, or just ‘chillaxing’ with them both, while they were all glued to the television, competing on one of the many (too many) video games that they have.

While he has been away we have intentionally worked on keeping in-touch, ensuring that we don’t miss a beat in each others life. He keeps me up to date with the latest happenings and I get to amaze him with the boys growth. He reminds me how much he loves me and the boys, and we get to compete on how creative we can be with the many ways we get to say ‘I love you’ (the boys seem to be winning this competition, with a little help from mommy).

With this deployment, we have also grown closer. Yes, we have! Our prayer life has gotten stronger and we have both become even more dependent on each other’s prayers and encouragements. We honestly can’t seem to get enough of each other.

Our intimacy has deepened as well because we now have a bond that is surpassing time and space. Our conversations are loaded with things to come…I can’t wait!

Yet, this morning I am up, anxious, feeling alone, missing him and wanting him home…

One thing for sure though, is the fact that he is an amazing husband, yes he is, and he is definitely a super dad (this is coming straight from the boys mouth). Knowing this, gives me faith that even if things are not the same when he returns, his qualities will shine forth and we will be able to enjoy each other still, the problem then is, WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME?

We miss you OMB!


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Posted by on September 13, 2012 in My family and I


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Raising Wholehearted Children

Becoming a mother changed me in so many ways, and then again, it really didn’t. I have always been one who aspires to do and be my best in all that I do, and so, this desire was not new to me the first time I found out I was pregnant. However, most of the sacrifices I had to make we’re like rude awakenings.

One of the sacrifices I had to make was to move my child from a very unhealthy environment. Why was this a sacrifice? It was because the unhealthy environment was fueled by his father. Here my desire to be the best wife came head to head with my desire to be the best mother and even though I was completely against divorce I eventually had to leave because of the dangers that were lurking.

Another sacrifice was whether or not to send my child to a public or private school. This became a sacrifice because I was not employed and would not be able to afford a private school. However, the public schools in the area we were living were some of the worst ones in NY. So what would the best mother do? Yes, I sent my child to a private school and have not looked back since. Only God knows how I was able to afford the monthly payments in the beginning but I did.

I could go on and on and list the many sacrifices I had to make, and more than likely these sacrifices are similar to those you have had to make, but this post is more about
why we really make these sacrifices. Why when we have children we do the things we do.
I originally said it was fueled by my desire to be the best mother but recently I realized that was not even half of the story. I realized that being the best mother was only a foundation, and the real reason is because I wanted my children to be the best they can be.

In wanting them to be the best, I sometimes cannot be the ‘best mom’ in their eyes and that’s ok. In wanting them to realize their potential, I sometimes have to say no to outside influences, and that’s ok too.
In wanting them to be well-adjusted and intelligent, I sometimes have to push them a little more than they would like, but that’s ok too.

I take my role as a mother super seriously, especially now that I am understanding what God wants from me, or expect of me. His word says to train up my children in the way they should go. This means, I, as the ‘best mother,’ must seek out the best way for each child and ensure that they are growing in that way. This means that not everything will be a part of my children’s life, and as a result, I will fight to protect them from things that are not good for them. If that means, staying home and homeschooling then so be it. If that means moving half way across the world, then fine. Whatever it takes!

This is where parenting gets tough. This is where there is a differentiation between the types of parents. This is where parenting is taken to another level, and it becomes more about the child and less about the parent.
Now, don’t get me wrong. My message here is not that you are a bad parent if you don’t homeschool, no, not at all. It is also not to dictate what sacrifices should be made because that is always dependent on your situation.

My message is this, if you are a Godfearing parent you are required to make the tough decisions, even if it causes you to sacrifice things that you love and hang on to.

God made me a steward over two beautiful boys and this means that I must act in their best interest not mine. If I desire for them to be wholehearted and the best they can be, then my life must in noway jeopardize theirs. To me and for me, this means that though the price may be high at times, I am willing to pay, believing that God has more in store, and when it is all said and done, I did my best.

Desiring that these boys of mine grow in the admonition of the Lord, grow to be respectful, grow to experience and realize their potential, and grow to understand who they are, I have accepted the responsibility to make the tough decisions, and this is what has made me the best mom.

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Posted by on September 9, 2012 in Uncategorized


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A Conversation with Your Heart

I need your love, can’t you see?

I need to be loved by you completely.

Your love means you will be there for me.

Your love means that there will be liberty.

I am not here for a minute or two.

I am here to spend my entire life with you.

Love me baby like there’s no other,

Love me only and make it better.

You need my love too, I know,

You need to embrace my soul.

My love is yours never fear

My love is here, it has not,and  will never fade.

I need you to love me baby,

I need you to let your heart show me.

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Posted by on July 31, 2012 in Poetry


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I have Found My Superman

I have Found My Superman

                                                                                              by Cadine Brown

Imbued with god-fearing attributes,

The sole survivor and front-runner enters…

His presence is known and can be felt by those around.

He shines his light into the darkest of place,

Dispelling every ‘dis-grace’.

His strength is known but not feared.

He champions my cause when noone else cares,

Telling me, “girl, get up and finish this race.”

His calm engulfs me, pronouncing safety.

He is my ‘whole armour’, my perfect and complete fit,

Protecting me from insecurities thrown to sink my ship.


His love, oh his love

Found me, embraced me, and saved me…

Yes, I have found my superman, in God’s saving grace.

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Posted by on July 22, 2012 in Poetry, Uncategorized


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Delayed But Certainly Not Denied!

Delayed But Certainly Not Denied!

The beginning of forever

Where do I begin? The bible says that a man who finds a wife finds a good thing but I have been wondering what about a woman who finds a husband…

It is our dream as females to find that man who will love us either as our daddy did or as the fairy tale books have portrayed it and we set out seeking that love at all cost. Through the journey, we get hurt, some get damaged and distracted while others press on with the determination that their love is out there awaiting them and in the end, they are the ones who will find that man, the man who will cause their toes to curl and their feet to pop.

Travelling over two continents and back, my journey took me on a world-wind tour that brought me to this place. My journey, not being the story here but deserving of a brief note, was tumultuous yet rewarding. I was able to emerge as a strong, centered, and God-fearing woman and for this I am grateful.

Arriving at this place took tears, fights ( not physical, well a little), guts, determination, counselling, love, but most of all, God!

The day we met, I thought, yeah right, your just like all of them…but on October 30, 2008 when you proposed to me, you proved to me that I was wrong.

Then you took it up a notch, became a father to our lovely son Zee, married me, took on the role of breadwinner and man in charge. You dazzled me with your love and showed me what it means to have a priest in the home.

With the birth of Ishmael, you grew into a man of valor and quickly outmatched all the male role models I held on to. You became a force to reckon with and I realized that being by your side was the best place to be.

Oliver Michael Brown, to you, I give my all and on this our second anniversary, I am speechless and so, I will let these guys (the professionals) try to express how I feel…

1. You really had my heart from hello but everything else had to catch up with it,

2. Looking back over our life together and eagerly awaiting the future,

3. Even when you have nothing to say, I am at peace, knowing that you love me because

4. Baby, throughout our life together you have become

5. Finally, I really just want to say


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Posted by on May 30, 2011 in My family and I, Uncategorized


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