Tag Archives: economy

The Great Debate (Part Two)


Apparently, the purpose for this debate was to identify the differences between the two presidential candidates. In my opinion, this was a great idea because it would help us recognize where each party stood on important issues, not the little things that are meant to distract us. However, this was not necessarily what was done, since politicians are ‘unable to provide a direct answer’ without trying to confuse, dress up, and show off. With that said however, I was able to decipher some differing views between these two candidates and will wrap up my take on this first debate, by discussing them.

One of the issues I am very interested in is ‘entitlements,’ because of my idealistic viewpoint. President Obama stands behind Obamacare and I believe (with limited information of the ins and outs of the policy) that this is or will be a good way forward. I do believe we should have affordable healthcare for everyone because a country of healthy workers will be productive and successful. Governor Romney on the other hand is dead set against this policy. In listening to the bantering between the two, I realized that the real reason why Governor Romney is against this is because President Obama went ahead and passed this into law without the agreement of the Republicans. Now is that a good enough reason to stop a program that will be beneficial to our society? Mind you, he did give some other reasons but it seemed as if this one was his bottom line.

The governor also posed that healthcare should be left up to the states. This, I take an opposing view to. I believe that the federal government should monitor and oversee healthcare in order to allow for some equality among the states. This, I believe will ensure that the medical care will not differ greatly from one state to another. I must also, in jest, mention his comment about what his choice would be. He stated that he would choose private insurance over public insurance and I laughed and shook my head because I began to wonder, who wouldn’t if they could afford it?
It is this same reason why I believe that Obamacare is a good thing because with the proposed scrutiny, public coverage will need to be up to par with the private companies. If health care is left up to the states and these insurance companies, then the practice of providing a vast difference in care for the wealthy and the middle class will continue and more and more people will suffer for lack of sufficient care.

On education, I give Governor Romney a big check, only because his state is ranked number one in the United States. However, I also commend President Obama on Race To The Top. I did a thesis comparing this to No Child Left Behind and I do believe it is a better (and should be a more effective)approach to addressing our educational crisis.
Moving forward whose policy would be better for the country? I am still undecided. I need to know more about Governor Romney’s policy for the country.

Fixing the US economy was another issue, and me, being very challenged in this area will only be able to recap the differences I gathered. First, I found out that Governor Romney has a problem with borrowing from China, and assumedly, the President doesn’t. That is definitely worth researching. In addition, the governor does not believe that raising taxes for the wealthy will generate revenue but the President does. To me those were the two differences that stood out. I must add though, that I support Governor Romney when he said that the economic problem is also a moral issue and Americans need to stop spending more than they can afford.

My ten minutes are up and I do have to stop but I do not plan on giving this debate much more analysis. Accordingly, I will add, government should be for the people, and in my opinion, this means that the interests of the majority, not the minority, should be first and foremost. This, therefore, is my measuring stick.

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Posted by on October 5, 2012 in Opinions


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